Thursday, 31 December 2015

nearly 2 hours later and she still wasnt dressed....

For the past few weeks I have been trying to get Evie to get dressed by herself...

...she usually just lies on the bed until I come into supervise her!

So I have tried getting her to race with me to to see who can get dressed first ;o)

I always win (despite how long I take even with going to the toilet and putting away the washing etc) while Evie just lies on her bed.

The other day I looked online and someone suggested "beat the clock", as she only had a dress and a vest to put on, I put the timer on my phone on for 10 minutes so that she would get dressed faster...

...needless to say 10 minutes came and went.

So I decided to go downstairs and told her to let me know when she had gotten dressed and that I would help her put on her tights.

We are talking about 10.30 am (in case you are wondering).

I went up to check on her every thirty minutes just to see how she was doing.

By 11.30 am she had gotten her pjs off but her vest was still on.

I eventually went up to hurry things along at 12.00 (as it was her lunchtime) she still had her vest on and had her head through the neckhole of her clean vest.

So I took her clean vest off, and got her to take the one she was already wearing off and put the clean one on and then put on her dress!

I will try "beat the clock" again today ;o)


Eileen H said...

Oh dear, good job you didn't have somewhere important to go :)

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year.

The Captain said...

Never had that problem with my girls. Sounds like you have a challenge on your hands!

chocolat lover said...

I definitely have to stand over her to get her to dress herself...

...Im just hoping that she is going to be a lot quicker when she starts school in September.