Tuesday, 8 January 2013

two meeting worlds

Me & Evie were sitting waiting for Gymbabes to start, when I saw that some new people were starting...

...then I realized that I recognized one of them ;o)

She had come with a friend who has a little boy too (I think it was a boy anyway) I didnt chat to her too much so that she could enjoy playing with her Son and I didnt want to put her off from coming.  She did see Evie crawling and climbing up the steep hill ;o)

She really enjoyed it and has signed her little boy up ;o)

It was really great seeing them again and I told James that we saw them when he got home from work and he was pleased too.


Eileen H said...

That was nice to see them again.
You'll make lots of new friends being a mum especially when Evie starts at nursery and infants school.

chocolat lover said...

its amazing how many more people I already know now and she has only just turned one ;o)