Friday, 18 January 2013

sorting out her next load of clothes

Evie has had a bit if a growth spurt and I have had to put a lot of her babygrows into my bag for a friend who is having a little girl in March.

I tend to buy her stuff in the sale or from supermarkets and just buy bits and bobs as I see them and it soon adds up ;o)

Yesterday I spent a good hour taking off the labels of her next lot of clothes - she will now be into her 9-12 month stuff.

One of the other Mums said that her daughter who is 4 days younger than Evie is still in her 6-9 month stuff so I dont feel too bad about it.

And when you look at how chubby her fingers are you know that she is doing ok...

Anyway the second lot of washing is now on and Ive got to do Evies breakfast.

I think that I still have another couple of loads to do too!

Hee hee and now I can start looking at 12-18 month stuff ;o)


Eileen H said...

It's good of you to pass Evie's outgrown clothes to a friend. You are doing right buying them as you do. At least she's not outgrowing Gucci stuff!
My sister had a boy and girl just a little older than my boy and girl. I had a stash of outgrown clothes from her and I was so grateful. I had to check them regularly as sometimes my two outgrew them before I had a chance to use them!

We can see Evie is doing OK, you are a great Mum We're all different shapes and sizes so don't worry :-)

chocolat lover said...

that was very handy for you...

...James brothers wife has a son & daughter and then she got pregnant just after me and had a little girl so she kept all of her girl bits ;o)