Tuesday, 3 November 2015

parent tour #3 my favourite so far

This morning I took Evie on another school tour, as it wasnt one of her pre school days.

We had to get there for 9.30 so I aimed for us to leave at 8.45ish we ended up leaving at 8.52 and we got to the school at least 10 minutes early but that was with me walking really fast and pushing the buggy with Evie in.

We got there and we were shown into the assemble hall where the head teacher told us about the school and addressed the ofsted situation (in the last report it was "needs improvements") and how since she has been there the kids achievements have improved loads.

The head children then showed us around the school.

Like school #2 the reception class or EYFS was in one room, but at  least with this one it was divided in 3 with 2 brickwalls with archways dividing it with a breakout area in the middle.

What really impressed me and Evie was the fact that the school has a woodland area for the kids to play in and a separate area as well which is more wild (not tigers and lions wild although I did say it was like a jungle ;o)) with a bug palace and a pond (the area is fenced off and the kids can only go in with there with a teacher with them).

When I asked Evie which school she preferred she said the one with the jungle ;o)


Eileen H said...

Sounds interesting. I hope no children get lost in the jungle :)

chocolat lover said...

I didnt see anyone getting lost ;o)