Tuesday, 23 February 2016

exchanging duplicates

Evie has got into lalaloopsy tiny dolls mainly down to me seeing them in the penny sale (buy one full price and get one for a penny) in The Enterntainer - I thought that they could go in her treat box ;o)

On Friday James came home from work saying that he got four more packs of lalaloopsy tinies to make use of the penny sale ;o)

He then said all excitedly that he got one with a pirate and a mermaid (I then told him that I got one like that too but they might be different) having looked at the four packets he had got three of them were duplicates, but saying that Evie did lose one of the dolls (the pink one) in Sainsburys (so we will keep that packet).


Eileen H said...

Not to worry if you can exchange them. They are very sweet!
Husband had two identical DVDs for Christmas and chose them himself :-)

chocolat lover said...

There was only one packet we didnt have so have kept second one for if she loses one from the other set ;o)

LOL he must have forgotten that he had already asked for it ;o)