Sunday, 18 January 2009

Having that skinny feeling

I dont tend to look in mirrors that much...

... but on Thursday I was looking and decided I was looking quite skinny - I think my trousers feeling quite loose had something to do with it...

...and yes its still a good feeling ;o)

The move to London is still going well, a couple of weeks ago we had the company who moved us out to Romford come it to give us a quote.

They must have contacted their London office to price up the quote, they e-mailed me the price and it was 50% up on what we payed in September 2007!

I e-mailed them to ask for the reason for the price hike. I was expecting a reply stating the usual "that petrol prices have increased etc". But to my surprise I got an e-mail apologising saying that they got the wrong information from their London office with a revised much more reasonably priced quote.

What gets me is would they have said about pricing it up wrong had I not have questioned the price. Well I know the answer to that is a big fat hairy no!

At the end of last week Walkers announced the winners of their Do us a Flavour competition, I really like the look of the new flavours, the only ones Im likely to get James to eat are the Fish & Chip ones! Sorry James but Im going to eat the Cajun Squirrel, Onion Bhaji, Builder's Breakfast, Crispy Duck & Hoisin and Chili & Chocolate ones myself ;o) I have been checking the local shops for the new flavours but havent seen them yet!

Dancing on Ice started on ITV1 last Sunday (the boys skating last week and the girls are skating tonight) when the stars skated on with their partners it struck me that Todd Carty looked like he was being pulled along by his partner Susie Lipanova.

When he started his routine it was peppered with stumbles but to his or rather Susies credit he did just about stay upright.

The best skater (out of the boys) by far is Ray Quinn who is partnered by Maria Filippov. I suppose roller blading and being a ballroom dancer has given him boatloads of balancing skills and the like.

To my surprise Todd Carty didnt have to go in the skate off (where the two least popular stars (by number of phone votes received) have to skate again before the judges deem who will leave the competition) I guess there were a load of 30 and 40 something Grange Hill fans watching the show ;o)

Its the girls tonight, I have a feeling that Coleen Nolan who is partnered with Stuart Widdall is going to be the female equivalent of Todd ;o)

I shall let you know next week...

For those of you interested in the feature "did I get to the custard tarts before not so phantom tartnapper did" the answer is no...

...they were all gone yesterday morning together with all of the cuppaccino cheesecake slices too. I hear you ask so what did you get instead? Well I got some rather scrummy Creme Caramels.

The question is how does he get there before me? ;o) I think theres someone telling him my movements or have I just become too predictable? hmmm

The custard tarts were in there today but I decided not to get them.

I weighed myself this morning and while Im still the same in stones and pounds I have put on 200 grammes - Im not too bothered about this.


James (UK) said...

I wonder if that company dropped the price, just because you rang them to query it, and it had nothing to do with any "mistake"...

chocolat lover said...

James, I think you are right there...

..they were seeing if they could get away with the higher price.

It does annoy me when companies do that :o(

Al said...

I suppose the price could have been an honest mistake, but then would they have realised and corrected it at a later date if you hadn't mentioned it? Probably not. Then again, as you say it could just be that they were trying it on and hoping you wouldn't notice/be the type of person to question it.

I'm not going to tell you how I get there first as it would remove my advantage :-)

I'm not buying the Creme Caramels though as I don't like them, so you're welcome to those.

Anonymous said...

Gotta love the skinny feeling.

Glad you caught the "mistake" ;)

chocolat lover said...

Al, so Ive found something you dont like ;o)

Kelly, I dont get the skinny feelings too often, but looking in the mirror again this morning its still there ;o)

Al said...

Indeed you have. Now all you need to do is buy up all of those next week so someone else can't have them and the circle of life can continue.

chocolat lover said...

Al, its evil but I like it ;o)