May your postman get a bad back from delivering all of your cards ;o)
It will be fun seeing all of the men congregating in Godiva and Hotel Chocolat...
...LOL I will be going in Hotel Chocolat tomorrow to look at their Easter goodies ;o)
Me and James stopped celebrating Valentines ages and ages ago...
...what really makes me laugh are the cards that say to my husband or wife or fiance...
...isnt the idea supposed to be that you get a card from a secret admirer?
Lots of last minute purchases in Tesco today too. In fact it was noticeably much busier than normal and I suspect that might be why. Quite sad really as it shows people are buying stuff out of some perceived sort of duty and not because they really want to.
Ah well, soon be Easter and we can have another excuse to eat copious amounts of chocolate.
Al thats the very reason that me & James stopped celebrating Valentines...
...although I did fall into the chocolate lollipop hole - I ate mine last night and it was really nice...
...I may even eat James one tonight ;o)
I didn't celebrate it either. It is just a holiday that the stores dreamed up to get you to spend money.
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