Sunday, 9 October 2011

getting to grips

On Thursday morning we had decided (or rather James had sweet talked me into it) on going to Upminster so that he could look around the charity shops...

...knowing how much I hate charity shops he said that I could sit in Costa while he looked around the shops, but no he conveniently couldnt remember where the place was and because it was so cold outside I decided to go in the places with him.

When we eventually only had two shops left to go in he then finally saw the sign for the coffee shop...

...and I found us a table for two and got myself a deaff skinny latte and a bag of mini muffins as I was getting hungry.

I forgot to mention that before we were going to leave for Upminster James tried to switch on the PC and the screen was just flashing (like when the monitor has been switched on but the PC is still off) and nothing happened he had even tried all of these settings that he knows of and still nothing happened...

...yes our PC had finally given up the ghost

So we had to buy a laptop (we were thinking about getting something for when I start my maternity leave and this forced us to do something sooner rather than later).

So please excuse the swearing as I am getting to grips with not having an effing mouse ;o)  And please also excuse if any thing doesnt read right as the blooming touchpad is jumping all over the place!

Now for something completely different

Last night we were sitting there eating our dinner and James lifted up my t-shirt and I saw him dangling a piece of asparagus by my bellybutton he then said "she doesnt want it at the moment" and promptly shoved it
tip first into my bellybutton "in case she changes her mind"  I tried to tell him that she doesnt get he food that way and he said that he "thought that she would grab the food like one of those skelenton moneyboxes do" yes he uses the actual word skelenton.  I will have to make sure that she doesnt pick up any of his ungood English ;o)


Al said...

Ah, a new laptop. I'm not particularly fond of touchpads myself but they do get easier over time. Alternatively, just get yourself a cheap USB mouse and switch the touchpad off!

I couldn't use a laptop as my main computer though.

Eileen H said...

You'll soon get used to your laptop I'm sure, though I've never used one myself. When our PC died (actually I killed it) we replaced it with another PC.

That made me laugh James shoving an asparagus spear into your belly button. Oh dear :-)

chocolat lover said...

Al - Im sure it will get easier...

...and am stubborn enough that I will keep trying to get the hang of it till it drives me (more) mental ;o)

Eileen - I think hes planning on trying some dessert next - I just hope that it isnt ice-cream ;o)

Anonymous said...

You can attach a mouse to a laptop too. My husband uses one because he does not like the touch pad on the laptop. Tell James that after the baby is born, do not give it asparagus....not until it gets teeth.