Tuesday, 25 October 2011

its all getting a bit too real

My replacement started yesterday...

...I am now teaching her everything that I do!

LOL somebody was winding me up yesterday saying that I cant leave until she knows everything...

...so I said I can teach her real quick when I need to ;o)


Eileen H said...

I like your witty reply:)

You must have mixed feelings about teaching someone else to do your job.

chocolat lover said...

its quite surreal...

...although I will be glad to have the rest ;o)

Kelly said...

When will your leave of absence begin? Or are you going to work all the way up to your due date? (When is that again? I have Dec 29 stuck in my head for some reason...)

Al said...

Did nobody dare comment that teaching her everything you do wouldn't take long? :)

Anonymous said...

I am excited for you. I loved taking off work to have my son. I hated going back to work from my time off. I think I got 6 weeks off.

chocolat lover said...

Kelly - Im aiming to leave on 18th November.

You have my due date spot on ;o)

Al - surprisingly enough no-one has suggested that yet...

Connie - the local childcare places wont take in any babies under 3 months old - so I would have to be off until then at the very least.

I am really looking forward to having the time off to relax ;o)