Wednesday, 14 December 2011

twenty second of December it is

I went to see the consultant today (or rather the registrar)...

...and as the baby still hasnt turned (they did another scan using a mobile scanner) they have now booked me in for a c-section.

I have been given a whole load of stuff to read through... thing was even telling me how I should wash myself...

...its a good job they gave that to me as I have been doing it wrong for all of these years ;o)).


Eileen H said...

Wow only one week to go. I will be thinking about you.

Al said...

So it appears that water was necessary after all? :)

What a great Christmas present for both of you, I'll be thinking of you this time next week.

Try and enjoy your last week sans child!

Joe Jarvis said...

Ditto what Eileen said. Will be keeping an eye on your blog for the good news.

The Captain said...

Merry Christmas to you and James, can't wait to hear your good news.