Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Evies first cold

On Saturday we saw James brother and his 3 kids (the middle one had a cold), we were told that one had a cold and were given the option to not go so Evie wouldnt get ill.  We decided to go anyway so we could see them and Evie will catch colds anyway whether from them or when I take her out etc.

Yesterday the cold started and she has been incredibly snotty and grizzly poor little thing.

U gave her some Calpol about 40 minutes ago and she is now happily sitting in her bouncy chair playing with the rattles that hang down on it ;o)


Eileen H said...

Poor Evie, it'll probably be the first of many colds. It doesn't sound as though it'll turn into 'flu. Get well wishes winging her way.

chocolat lover said...

she is getting over it now ;o)

but yesterday I woke up with a sore throat :o(

Kelly said...

That is the not so beautiful thing about being so close to your child. You swap things like crazy! :(

Connie T. said...

I hate colds. Wait till she goes to school, one continued cold until the summer. My son has a cold constantly, then in summer, he is well, until school starts again.

chocolat lover said...

Kelly - I know what you mean...

Connie - public transport is another germ filled way of getting colds too!

I have to take Evie to the doctors surgery to get weighed so that is another way of her getting colds too.