Sunday, 20 May 2012

from chattering to blueberries

I finally managed to capture Evie chattering on video motion picture - LOL I started with the camera behind her so that she couldnt see what I was doing ;o)

You may remember Evie eating a paper napkin...

...well yesterday I was eating some blueberries with Evie sitting on my lap.  She was intently watching what I was doing and next thing I knew was that she had grabbed hold of my bottom lip as if she was trying to get the blueberry.

I told James that it may be time to start weaning her as she is now attacking me for food.

So we decided to try her on the blueberries ;o) for some reason I am not able to add this one to the page!


Eileen H said...

She's definitely ready for some proper food. She's not too sure about the blueberries, she gave a little shiver, bless her. Aww she is lovely :-)

chocolat lover said...

it did make us laugh when she had the little shiver ;o)