Friday, 12 April 2013

now as bad as boots

Yesterday was time to get James prescription so I went into the Chemists all set for a showdown ;o)

They took the prescription and the £7.85 charge and about 5 minutes later the pharmacist came out clutching my bag and when I looked there was only one box so I thought here we go again...

...and then she apologised saying that they didnt have enough tablets in stock so I will go back next week to collect whats due...

...its a shame really because that chemists is out of my way.

Yesterday also Evie had her first taste of a sugarfree skinny hazelnut latte ;o)

When I bought over James coffee (in a takeout cup) and the stirrer and sweeteners Evies eyes lit up because she loves to stir things ;o)

So James took the lid off after adding the sweeteners and let Evie have a splash stir of his coffee she then picked up the stirrer and licked the froth off (which is what she has watched James do).

I dont think that she liked the taste of it too much as she didnt want to stir it after that...


Eileen H said...

Your chemist saga continues!
Although I don't blog about it, I am having similar problems with our chemist and I have to go again today and am ready to flip! I have to collect Martyn's prescription every four weeks and haven't had one item since January! If it's not there today I'll do what you did and ask who I complain to, that should get a result! Although the assistant gave me "a look" when I moaned last time :-)

Mmmm the froth is the best bit of the latte :-)

chocolat lover said...

I picked up the remaining tablets yesterday... did it go with Martyns prescription?