James had decided that he wants to come to Evies swimming lessons too especially when he realised how much fun she is having.
I had heard about these lessons from a friend that run at the weekend meaning that James can come too ;o)
On Friday I booked up our lessons and yesterday I got an e-mail with the dos and donts...
one of the things that they recommend it that you use a reusable swimming nappy (that supposedly stops any leaks) I asked my friend what she uses and she said that she uses normal swimming nappies (so we will stick with what we have too).
Because of the pool size it looks like we can only both go in with Evie on a rota (there are 10 kids in the class and only 2 kids each week can have both parents in with them) so we shall take turns on going in with her, although it will more than likely be mainly me!
Ya'll have much better words than we do. Nappies sounds so much better than diaper. *sigh*
I'm still convinced they didn't have these swimming nappies when my two were small!
It'll be good for Evie to have her Daddy there too.
katy - as they say the grass is always greener ;o) I think that candy sounds much better than sweets...
Eileen - Im pretty sure that swimming nappies are a fairly new invention I will have to ask my Mum if they were around when my younger brother & sister were little (they will be 26 & 27 this year).
I know that Evie will love having James there ;o)
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