Thursday, 3 December 2015

a different route

On Tuesday Evie had an appointment at the eye clinic at the hospital.

One of the mums at Tumble Tots told me back in September that the no 47 bus was being cancelled from the 1st November, so at the beginning of November I checked the website and the bus was still running but only every 50 minutes now!

So last week while taking Evie to Tumble Tots I casually checked the bus stop and found it strance that it didnt mention the no 47 bus!

On Sunday I decided to check the website to see exactly what time the bus would be I knew the rough time by what time it would arrive at the hospital, but wanted to know for sure.

I looked at the timetable and saw the time that it would pick up from Asda but couldnt see the bus stop that I wanted, so I searched for the bus stop that I would be getting on at and it said to walk to the duel carriageway...


It seemed that they had changed the bus route too!

As there was no way that I was going to attempt to cross the duel carriageway with Evie I went into full drama queen mode ;o)

saying that I would have to cancel the appointment etc.

In the end I decided to get an all day bus ticket for Chelmsford (only 50p more than a return), and got 2 buses to the hospital, it also meant less walking for Evie too ;o).

The journey went well and the bus stops were next to each other at the interchange (at the bus station on the way there and the train station on the way back).

On the plus side Evie got ready and ate her breakfast really quickly (to be honest I didnt take any chances and got her undressed/dressed myself).

But she did throw a tantrum over a minnie mouse plane at the hospital (we had real tears too), eating a bag of crisps soon stopped the tears ;o)


Eileen H said...

I don't blame you not crossing a dual carriageway! Fancy them even suggesting that!
A tantrum from Evie, surely not, she looks like a little angel :)

chocolat lover said...

she certainly has her moments ;o)