Sunday, 19 June 2016

scary hair

Yesterday I went to the hairdressers to get my grey coloured in :)

I walked in to be told that L doesnt work there anymore and would I mind the new lady doing my hair :)

I didnt mind... I was walking through I was asked (by one of the owners) if I was going to have the same effect on S as I have had on my previous hairdressers :)

The haircut went well and colourwise she didnt do the roots first she just did it all in one go (so I will have to see how the colour works in that way).

Tomorrow we have the third step to Evie starting school which is storytime and singing songs (I just hope us Mums dont have to do any solos :)).


Eileen H said...

Noooo you don't have any grey hair, you're telling us fibs :)

Good luck for tomorrow :)

The Captain said...

Morticia colours her hair. She always chooses wild colours. What colour did you go for?

chocolat lover said...

Eileen - I got my first grey hair just before I was 20...

...I commiserated with a box of scones :)

Kirt - nothing too wild I just went maroon :) Morticias hair looks lovely in your latest pic of her :)

Eileen H said...

I have a tuft of grey at the front that I've had for years. I haven't gone grey yet but have started to get a few grey hairs in my eyebrows now :)