Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Singing and tears

This morning on our way to school Evie was singing "were going to big school" all the way there.

I thought great she is obviously really enjoying it now :)

Then just before going into her classroom she was queuing and I could tell that she was getting tearful, so I asked her what was wrong and she said "I'm alright" so I have told her teacher and he said that he will have a chat with her :)

I think it must be catching as "f" didn't want to go in and a boy was being very vocal too in miss S's class.


The Captain said...

It won't be long before she goes in without issue although my girls always dashed into class. I kind of wanted some tears sometimes just to show that they missed me. The hugs at home time always made up for it.

Eileen H said...

It's the post half-term blues I suspect!

chocolat lover said...

Kirt - shes normally ok going in...

Eileen - I think your right :)