despite being a chocoholic I have managed to lose 4 and a half stone in 12 months. This is my diary of the highs and lows of trying to keep the weight off (or at least under reasonable control).
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
feeling run down
Last week I had my first cold sore in ages, and by yesterday it had finally gone...
...then this morning I wake up and felt the startings of another one!
Can I expect more of this for the next six months?
Oh yes, your whole body changes, not just the bump and the boobs.
Some women glow, and unfortunately some women...feel run down :(
I've never been pregnant so I couldn't say for sure, but I'm going to say yes.
No saying, really. The beauty of pregnancy is the whole thing is different and exciting and ever-changing.
Eileen - hopefully the glowing will come soon...
Kelly - it certainly is exciting and all that ;o)
Its all good fun which is the main thing ;o)
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