Thursday, 7 March 2013

balloon day

Today (providing the weather is nice) is my Virgin Hot Air Balloon ride day ;o)

What is scaring me most is the landing (and me forgetting what I am supposed to do).

But I have looked at some photos and the people didnt look distressed and they had smiles on their faces...

...ok I know that they arent going to show pictures of a person puking their guts up but still.

I will be calling the flight line just after 12 to see if it is still going ahead...

...I shall keep you posted ;o)


Eileen H said...

Fingers crossed your balloon ride goes ahead today.
Easy for me to say, but take a deep breath, then enjoy the ride, then another deep breath to land.
I'm sure it'll be wonderful, be sure to take some photos!

chocolat lover said...

yes I have made sure that I have enough charge on my camera battery and room on my memory card ;o)