Friday, 28 March 2014

operation date

Yesterday I got through the date for my operation... is set for the middle of June.

I have a health questionnaire to complete asking about past medical history and who will be looking after me when I get home and stuff like that.  It also asks for my weight I have a ballpark idea but will have to get myself weighed in Boots next time I am in there!  It may even kick start me into losing weight again ;o)

The letter says that you have to return the form within 48 hours of receipt but only gives a fax number or an address they should really include an e-mail address too!

Anyway the operation is a week before the 3 foot people festival so hopefully I will feel will ok enough to go - either way James will be able to take her ;o)

Still I shall get our tickets when they are available to purchase ;o)


Eileen H said...

I'm glad you've got your date. You can plan ahead and don't do too much for a few weeks after the op, give your body time to recover.
NHS England works so differently from the NHS here in Wales!

chocolat lover said...

I do plan on taking it easy(ish) after ;o)

Its amazing what a difference a "few miles" can make with someones healthcare.