Tuesday, 26 May 2015

James week off

James had last week off work...

...he saw how well Evie is doing at Tumble Tots - he hasnt been since Evie moved upto the big girl class ;o)

In the mornings because Evie wakes up early I have been putting the dvd player on for her (to stop her getting bored while I am drinking my morning cup of tea and then having my shower.

As she wasnt too impressed with watching the Muppet Show DVD (I do wonder if shes mine sometimes ;o)) I put on for her!

So we popped into CEX to buy Evie some DVDs we bought her some Bob The Builder, Postman Pat and some Thomas The Tank Engine DVDs ;o)

Evie still went to pre school too on her normal days so as not to interrupt our routine.

And we also took Evie to a soft play place in Romford ;o)

He moaned about everything but think he quietly enjoyed his week off ;o)


Eileen H said...

I'm sure James DID enjoy his week off :)
Just had a look at the CEX link, looks interesting but no branches near me, no surprise there :)

chocolat lover said...

I think that he did too ;o)

Hopefully they will open near you soonish ;o)