Sunday, 2 August 2015

raiding the home baking aisle

As its the school holidays and we havent got Tumble Tots or pre school I have had to think of things that we can do...

As Evie loves watching I Can Cook and is always pretending to make cakes ;o)  I though that we could actually make some cakes...

...a while ago I bought a muffin making machine (from a cheap shop in Southend ;o)).

So while we were doing our weekly shop I decided that we should buy the bits to make some srummy cupcakes ;o)

As well as the flour, butter, sugar and eggs I let Evie chose the exciting bits, and being more like me than is healthy she went down the chocolate route ;o)

We bought frozen sprinkles, chocolate frosting, butterfly cake decorations and chocolate chips ;o)

We are going to have a go at doing them tomorrow ;o)


Eileen H said...

We'll need photos :-)
I'm sure they'll be yummy!

chocolat lover said...

will do ;o)