Monday, 5 October 2015

lower back pain

On Saturday I woke up with lower back pain...

I have just looked it up on the NHS website, and it says to keep active which is fair enough (and with a three year old I dont even have the option to not move around ;o)).

But one of the reasons for seeing the doctor is if ts worse at night...

...well because I am now lying still in bed then when I have to get up its worse! ;o)

I am now looking forward to being able to roll over in bed ;o)

It also says to go to see the doctor if its no better in six weeks time.


chamonix44 said...

I suffer from lower back pain and at times I have been crippled with the pain and could only get out of bed by rolling on to my knees on the floor and then standing up. However, there are lots of exercises online that you can print out. Your doctor can also give you a leaflet with exercises on it. I find the exercises they show where you lie on your stomach and then push upwards to bend your back are quite effective at giving immediate relief. I do those on the bed. Also standing facing a wall and putting your hands on the wall and pushing backwards and bending your back. That helps me too.So get looking online. Thank you for the two lovely postcards that you sent us. It looks like a beautiful place where you went.

chocolat lover said...

thanks Mum...

...the ibprofen are helping at the moment and I am making sure that i am moving about too.

Glad you got the postcards ;o)

Eileen H said...

If it carries on I wouldn't wait six weeks if it were me, not when you have a little one to care for.

chocolat lover said...

very true, I will see how I go...