Tuesday, 29 November 2016

after school book look

Tonight after school they have a book look where the children can show off their work :)

It is on from 15.30 to 16.30 so its too early for both parents to see it (which is a shame).

Her school holds these in the half terms that there isnt a parents evening :)  the teachers arent present though so there isnt any discussing anything.

So our plan is to go to the playground inbetween school and home and Evie can have a short play and then we will go back to school and we can look at her work together :)

I have explained it to Evie but no doubt she will still want to have a longer play in the playground.


Eileen H said...

Evie will probably be more interested in playing than showing off her school work :)

chocolat lover said...

she was very reluctant to go back in to school :)