Sunday, 26 April 2009

Signed book

On Thursday in Metro is saw an advert for Waterstones saying that Gordon Ramsay would be doing a book signing of his new book Great British Pub Food on Friday. So knowing that James is currently at a loose end (and a good way of prolonging his suffering) I thought I would ask him if he wanted a mission (I had to make it sound glamorous didnt I ;o)) to go and get the signed book for me. He said he didnt really want to do it...

...I then had to go to Plan B and guilt trip him to do it! I think the twenty phone calls I did Friday morning saying "no dont worry about it" and putting the phone back down must have done the trick ;o).

The new British Spring Greens Innocent Veg Pot wasnt nice at all (I even did a review on the website saying that I didnt like it), definitely not one that I will buy again! So what didnt I like about it? I think it was mainly the underlying mint taste (it wasnt nice like mint chocolate but horrible).

On Friday while walking past Starbucks I saw a sign for their new frappuccino, dark berry mocha, the nice people in our store even did us a free sample to try on Saturday morning (we totally loved it), it reminded me of the raspberry mocha I drank loads of while on holiday in LA a couple of years ago ;o).

I went into Boots this morning to weigh myself and there was a sign on the machine saying that between now and 5th May you can weigh yourself for free (what a bargain it means it will save me £1.00) whopee doo ;o). Anyhow I lost one pound which I was really chuffed about as I had half a garlic bread with James earlier in the week and no less than four drinks yesterday in Starbucks.


Anonymous said...

Guilt is always the best way to go, guaranteed to get all but the most heartless person to do whatever you want them to! From what I hear anyway it wasn't that arduous a task. Sorry, mission.

Looking at the picture on the website, that veg pot doesn't exactly look appetising, and it seems to be getting mixed reviews. Still, I suppose someone, somewhere must have liked it otherwise they wouldn't have made it.

James (UK) said...

Al, like we've talked about "user testing" and software, I expect it was just one person who "taste-tested" it, and that was probably the person who submitted the idea for it!

Yeah, in truth, it's just the hanging around queuing that's the drag with things like that book signing; if you don't get there at a reasonable time, you end up being number 345 in a queue that you know he's never going to be able to work through in his allotted two hours etc.

I don't mind really. I just have to get the gumption up to "go", and Amber puts up with enough flak from me every day to mean I really want to do something for her now and then, however small.

(Blimey! 03:54am! Too early to be philosophical!)

chocolat lover said...

It was probably the same person who suggested the "pea and brocolli" vegpot recipe.

At least thats one I know not to buy again!