Sunday, 26 July 2009

Why didnt I think of this earlier?

While I was in Marks & Spencer yesterday, I hit upon my most brilliant idea... get a low calorie dessert for Saturday night and a high(er) calorie one for Sunday night (to have after I have weighed myself).

Okay so Im only fooling myself!

The Count On Us toffee muffin dessert was really nice, and I will definitely get it again, it was toffee sauce, toffee muffin and toffee mousse mmmmmmmmmmm. The unhealthy (or rather the anti toffee muffin dessert) dessert I got was a Chocolate Overload, and that is super scrummy too ;o).

While waiting for the train on Wednesday morning, I saw three old ladies come up in the lift with a middle aged bloke (who appeared to be in charge), the old dears all had suitcases with them. They went to sit down on one of the benches and I thought to myself at least they wont disturb me...

...then a few minutes later another intake of oldies came up in the lift. Again three old ladies (and again with their suitcases) and the bloke got up to talk to them. I thought well at least they will go and sit down too. But no, the second lot decide to stand behind me and were wittering on about "Mr Smiths gammy leg" and "how Marys son still aint right" and worse than that someone was wearing "eau de Fairy Liquid"

Why on earth would someone knowingly buy bathing products that smell like Fairy liquid. Unless that lady had ACTUALLY bathed in Fairy! You can just hear her reasoning, "if its good enough for me dishes then its good enough for me - look Vera it says it cuts through grease too" Luckily they got on the train to Norwich, as I just know that if they had got on my train then they would have sat behind me!

On Thursday I was greeted by a poster saying that there may be a train driver strike on Thursday and Friday this week, with further ones planned on subsequent weeks! At least they havent got them planned on the Bank Holiday weekend. Mind you they dont want to upset the passengers too much do they. Oh well with a bit of luck they wont be going ahead. Or I may be having a long weekend!

You will be please to know that my brilliant idea worked, well sort of anyway. As I well well chuffed that when I weighed myself this morning I have lost 200 grammes.


Anonymous said...

You know, I now have an image of an old woman in bath of Fairy. It's not an entirely pleasant image either. Perhaps she just wanted Fairy soft skin all over...?

You know it would work better if you got low calorie desserts for both Saturday and Sunday night, but I suppose there's no fun in that!

What are they striking over this time? Pay probably or a perceived injustice somewhere.

Anonymous said...

you should of known better. old women are just women, only older and less sensible! ;)

chocolat lover said...

Al, I think the strikes over pay...

I may go for the low calorie desserts next week ans the toffee muffin thing was THAT nice ;o).

Kelly, Im not sensible now, so who knows what I'll be like when Im older ;o)

Anonymous said...

No surprise there then. £30k + not enough for them?

chocolat lover said...

I would be happy with 30k!

Anonymous said...

You're not the only one!

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