Sunday, 16 August 2009

half a cupcake if you dare?

First thing first on Thursday I got an email from Schmap saying that one of my photos has been shortlisted for inclusion in the eighth edition of the Schmap London Guide, to be published early September 2009 ;o) How excited am I...

...I could soon say that I am a published photographer ;o) Any time that James criticises my photos I can say "well I am a published photographer so there" whilst sticking my tongue out with my hands on my head antler style ;o) Very childish I know! Actually I think I will change his wallpaper to that picture as a constant reminder for him ;o)

NXEA latest 48 hour strike started on Thursday. I was quite annoyed that they included in the Industrial Action Timetable the special trains that they had running the week before. This time they were running three per hour upto 9am, and I just knew that the train journey wasnt going to be nearly as comfortable as it was :o(.

Anyhow Thursday morning arrives and I get to the station in time for the first train and there are station staff informing us passengers of the trains that are running (just to make sure that everyone knows of the extra trains), and an announcement comes over the tannoy that the first train hasnt even left Colchester yet as there is some sort of problem *sigh*. So the (what was an extra) train arrives having started from Witham with the carriages around three quarters full, but I was pleased that I got a seat.

My boss let me leave in time for the 4pm train (because unlike the morning, the trains in the evening were still running one per hour!). I left work at 3.25 just to make sure I had plenty of time to get a good seat, I was sitting there and at about 3.55 the driver announces that tomorrows (Fridays) strike will not be going ahead as a compromise has been reached. Someone (not me Im hasten to add) shouted "Oh no" ;o). I texted my boss to let him know because his trains were also effected. The people who were sitting near me on the train were saying they wernt going to tell their bosses, and one woman was moaning because she had already made the time up!

Thursday was even more of a good day as my latest chocolate tasting box arrived from Hotel Chocolat...

Last week I bought a packet of four gorgeous lemon meringue cupcakes, I ate two at the weekend with the intention on having the other two during the week. Because they were quite calorific (did you like my new word?) I had the idea that I could have half a cupcake each night thus spreading the calories over four nights.

This idea worked ok on Monday as the cupcakes were still fresh, but by Wednesday because they were getting stale (although still before the sell by date) the cupcake disintegrated as I cut into it, so I ended up having half the crumbly mess Wednesday night and the other half on Thursday, the meringue was made of harder stuff and kept intact Im pleased to say.

I weighed myself this morning and was gutted that I have put on two pounds, I can only put it down to the fact that I didnt have my normal sausages last week. I ended up having English Breakfast sausages that were a lot meatier! I shall have to see how I go next week.

Oh well...


Anonymous said...

It was all those cupcakes, the older they get the more calorific they get!

At least you don't have to worry about the train strikes any more, at least until the next ones! I bet that woman who had already made up the time she would have missed as a result was gutted though. Her boss should allow her to take it back though. You couldn't really neglect to inform your boss as he uses the same trains!

Congratulations on the shortlisted photo too. Which one was it, out of interest (if it's online). The link you gave didn't work for me. I think if it gets published you should print several large copies, frame them and hang them in every room in the house, preferably in places where James will see them (i.e. opposite where he usually sits for example)!

Man said...

Congrats professional photographer.

Can't wait to see the picture since the link is not working.

James (UK) said...

Nice one on that picture, and stop setting my wallpaper to it, please!


chocolat lover said...

Sorry, I have done another post with the picture ;o)

Lots of framed copies does sound like a good idea.

Al, your cupcake theory may have something in it, next time I will have to eat them as soon as I get home, so as not to take any chances ;o).

James, if you stop changing your wallpaper back then I wont have to keep putting it back on! ;o)

Anonymous said...

Eating them all at once and as soon as possible after purchase should work if my theory is correct. Of course we need to prove it, so off you go! :-)

chocolat lover said...

I will try it next weekend ;o)