Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Another Amber but a different spelling

A few weeks ago one of my colleagues came back from making the teas as said "you'll never guess what?  There is another Amber next door" ;o)

I couldnt believe it two Ambers in such close proximity...

Anyhow yesterday I was making the tea (yet again) and I saw who I thought was the other Amber.  I was feeling brave so I came out and said "are you the other Amber?"  Dont worry I was smiling and not grimacing and she said "yes" she was.

But she is spelt Amba.

When I lived at home in Ingatestone there was another Amber on the same estate, I think that she must have been five or six years younger than me.  Her grandmother took her to the doctors and I happened to be there too.  I got called in for my appointment and her granny was mortified that there was another Amber in the village ;o)


Al said...

Amba? What happened, did her parents get fed up of trying to work out how to spell it properly and just gave up?

chocolat lover said...

LOL I think they may have done ;o)

Kelly said...


Amba....that isn't even close to Amber! You're still safe :)

Eileen H said...

My dog is called Amber, honestly :)

chocolat lover said...

thanks Kelly ;o)

SW - I saw from your flickr stream that one of your dogs is called Amber ;o)