Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Network dead spot

I was on the train home last night, we had just got past Stratford, and the driver announced that there was an incident at Marks Tey that may affect our journey home.

A lady sitting two seats across from me had just got a text message from her friend saying that there had been a fatality (oh great why cant these ever happen in the mornings?), and she had stopped at Shenfield.  I thought to myself "oh well"...

The train then gets to Brentwood and the train stops in the very place where you cant get cell phone coverage, so I typed out a message to send to James for when the train started moving again.

The train eventually (about 20 minutes later I would guess) started moving again so I sent the text to James.  James then came back with "whats your eta" so I came back with "I have no idea its supposed to take 8 minutes from here but who knows".

The train then gets to Shenfield and the driver opens the doors so we can have some fresh air (if we want), a whole load of people got on at Shenfield (our train wasnt supposed to stop here out of interest), and again we were stopped for 20 minutes.

The train then got to Ingatestone (again we were there for 20 minutes) and the driver  opened the doors this time only one person got on and he went straight into the toilet, and didnt resurface until we got to Chelmsford.

I ended up being an hour late!


Al said...

I'm betting the person who disappeared into the toilet didn't have a ticket and thought that it would be a good place to hide.

Well, either that or they were really, really desperate!

chocolat lover said...

I think your right - he didnt look like the sort of person who would buy a ticket unless it was absolutely neccessary!

Kelly said...

You would have been too lucky for this to happen in the morning. Heaven forbid you be late to work! ;)

chocolat lover said...
