Sunday, 25 July 2010

tummies for courses

Do you ever find that you can be completely stuffed from having your dinner, but still can find room for dessert in your special "pudding tummy"?  I certainly do ;o).

I wish I could take credit for this nugget of wisdom but Ruth came out with it when I was watching The Victorian Pharmacy ;o)

Talking of tv...

...I was watching The Hotel Inspector and saw that it is being sponsored by e-bookers imagine my surprise when Alex said "most people check reviews on Trip Advisor" If I was e-bookers I would be livid!  

It is being shown at prime time at 9pm (so the advertising price will be at its highest) on Channel 5 (not even a satellite channel I know) and the presenter is mentioning a rival review site ;o).

Got to make you laugh...


Al said...

I watched that show and didn't even realise what she'd done. I suspect it was recorded before they'd sorted out the sponsorship deal though, so I doubt it was done on purpose. I do remember being quite surprised that she mentioned the site by name though, as they don't normally do that.

Every one has room for dessert, I'm sure there's part of the brain dedicated to tricking the other part into thinking your full when eating the main course so that there's still room left!

chocolat lover said...

I like your theory ;o)