Thursday, 8 September 2011

decaff skinny creme brulee macchiato

I had just got off of the train and was passing the Starbucks in Liverpool Street Station, and I saw that their A-board was advertising a new drink...

a Creme Brulee Macchiato, remembering how nice their Creme Brulee latte was from a few years ago (still dont know why they only did that drink for one year)... with eager anticipation I popped into the Starbucks on Houndsditch and ordered my drink...

...LOL I even threw caution to the wind and ordered it in their biggest size ;o)  I normally order a new drink in the small size if it is something that is an unknown entity.

I must say that I wasnt disappointed ;o)  It is lovely, and LOL my brain is telling me that its good for littlun as it is extra calcium ;o)


Eileen H said...

That sounds delicious.

You do realise I am at least 30 miles from my nearest Starbucks :(

Sure to be good for you and the littlun :)

chocolat lover said...

LOL I would have to move ;o)

Al said...

Amber, I think if you moved 30 miles from a Starbucks it would pay them to open a new branch specially! :)

Kelly said...

That sounds delicious! I love macchiatos (macchiatoes?) so I would probably enjoy this one...I wonder if it has made it here yet?

chocolat lover said...

Al - it would be nice to think that Starbucks would open a store especially for me, James and the mini me ;o)

Kelly - you will have to interrogate your Sister ;o)