Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Making teas but not carrying them back

I went to make the drinks at 11am this morning, and everyone (apart from me because I am on herbal teas) still had full cold cups of tea from where the milk that my colleague had used had gone manky.

Why anyone didn’t go to remake them I don’t know…

…oh well back to this post now ;o)

My colleagues took their cups out (so that I didnt have to carry the heavy tray).  LOL ironically its my mug that is the heaviest of the lot ;o)

One of my colleagues said “I don’t think that you should be making the tea anymore" (and I fully agreed) thinking that he would then offer to make them…

…but no he said “after you have made the teas come and tell me and I will carry the tray back” well its half a result anyway ;o)


Anonymous said...

At least you don't have to carry a heavy tray for now.

Eileen H said...

Tell him you don't think you should be lifting the kettle and he might take the hint :)

Al said...

He said he doesn't think you should be making them, not that he was going to do anything about it!

chocolat lover said...

very true Connie ;o)

Eileen - I will give it a try ;o)

Al - you cant argue with that...