Sunday, 2 October 2011

shrinking spaces

James had the step ladder out the other day to put some stuff in the loft after clearing out our spare room...

...normally I can get past the step ladder easily enough but when I tried to I couldnt get past!  If I thought that James could be arsed to do it then I would have sworn that he is purposely moving doorframes etc just to annoy me ;o)

I know that my bump is getting big but I didnt think that it was that big yet ;o)


Kelly said...

You're more than halfway through your pregnancy, right? I would hope you're getting bigger...although it is funny how we don't really notice due to the gradual change.

And in regard to your last post: it is nice that the two of you have the time off together to get ready for the baby. I'm sure she appreciates you clearing out the spare room! ;)

Eileen H said...

You'll be wanting to go back to work for a rest :) Don't overdo it though.

Yes, you don't notice the gradual changes until you try to get through a small space :)

Al said...

I think you may be missing an important point here:

How inconsiderate was James leaving his ladder in your way in the first place?


chocolat lover said...

Kelly - yes am over halfway through ;o)...

Eileen - I am taking things very slowly and am making sure that I am having lots of rests ;o)

Al - I must be going soft ;o)