Tuesday, 18 October 2011

tolerating glucose

Today I had to go for a glucose tolerance test, the test was booked for 9am this morning by the midwife when I went to see her last week.

In the leaflet I received with the bloodtest paperwork it said that you have to fast for 12 hours before the test (no food or drink other than water), which was fair enough.  But when I was told that I then had to wait another two hours before I could eat anything I was doing my pieces...

...LOL I think my exact words to the midwife was "I will be eating anything that moves by then" ;o)  She told me to bring a sandwich with me and a book to stave off the boredom.

When I was cooking my dinner last night I did two sausages extra so I could have them in a sandwich for after the test.

Anyway 9pm came last night and I dutifully stuck to just drinking water...

...James was winding me up by asking if I wanted him to do me a full English breakfast the next morning as I was having a lie in!  I told him to stop being so cruel ;o)

This morning I got up half an hour before we were supposed to leave (to stop the temptation for me to eat) .

I got to the hospital about 15 minutes before I had to have the test so I found where I had to go and then plonked myself down and did some people watching.

Then about five minutes before I went to the toilet (knowing that I wasnt supposed to move for two whole hours I thought I will go again now.

The bloodtest wasnt carried out in the normal bloodtest area but in a special place for appointments, there were two other women who were pregnant like me and another one who had a six week old little boy (she must have been intolerant as she had to be restested after the birth).

Plus there were countless old people who wouldnt stop their incessant inane nattering :o(

I had the first bloodtest ok then was given a lemon drink to drink then had to sit back in the waiting area for two hours not being allowed to move even an inch...

About half an hour before I was due to be rebled (cant think of a better term) one of the women started to feel faint (she had her husband with her) so the technician did the rebleed for her about 20 minutes earlier than he should have done...

...the other pregnant lady was complaining that two hours was far too long to have to wait.

I then had my rebleed and promptly ate my sausage sandwich and also had a banana before I even left the waiting room ;o)

and I am about to have my first cup of tea of the day ;o)


Al said...

Never mind the food, sitting in a hospital waiting room for two hours knowing that there was no way out would drive me crazy.

At least if you're waiting for an appointment there's always that little bit of hope!

Eileen H said...

I would say you've been tortured today - and that includes by James :) All in a good cause though.

chocolat lover said...

Al - I bought a book with me to read so it wasnt too bad...

Eileen - it certainly was quite torturous - at one point the poor bloke who was taking the blood samples was worried that I was going to punch him ;o)