Tuesday, 29 May 2012

the reappearing carrot

Yesterday I tried my hand at doing Evie some proper food...

...I did her some carrot puree ;o)

So for her lunchtime feed I got the carrot puree out and added some baby milk to make it smoother.

I gave her half of her milk first (so that she wasnt so hungry) and then tried her on her puree...

...she immediately threw up her milk (but was still smiling) and was willing to try more carrot, so I gave her more of the puree and after 5 minutes she threw up the rest of her milk and the carrot puree.

I decided to give up on a bad job and changed her nappy and clothes and did her some baby rice (as I know that she will eat that) and then did her some more milk.

Today I am doing her some parsnip puree today so hopefully that will go down better as she should be used to the texture now with a bit of luck ;o)


Eileen H said...

I think it's going to be trial and error to see what she likes. I'd be tempted to try her on some fruit puree after her milk.

You're title made me smile because I used to wonder why when anyone is sick there always seems to be carrot in it!

chocolat lover said...

funnily enough I said that to my little brother when he was 5 or 6 and he found it hilarious and told my Mum ;o)

She then said to me "you will never guess what so and so just said" ;o)

Kelly said...

Funny...I guess it just takes time for them to adapt to the new textures on their tongue. Is there an order that they've suggested you introduce these pureed foods to Evie? I know over here there is some sort of order, but I don't remember what it was and I don't think I went in any order with Myles! ;)

chocolat lover said...

Kelly - the health visitor told me to start with carrot - but dont think that there is an order as such...

Kelly said...

Yeah, I might be thinking about something else...like eliminating/figuring out a food allergy. Who knows. My brain stores information in a very unreliable manner these days! ;)