Tuesday, 8 October 2013

counting higher than her age

On Sunday evening James was in the kitchen with Evie and he came out and said "you wont believe this but I think that Evie just counted to two" ;o)

And she then came into the lounge (where I was tidying her toys for the millionth time) and she counted to two for me too;o)

Its funny really because last week I was telling Evie to do something and I started to count to three...

So I said one and then Evie piped up and said two herself ;o)

I was so proud of her saying two after I had said one that I didnt hurry her along.

I did a video motion picture yesterday of Evie counting ;o)


Eileen H said...

That is lovely to see :-)
No mistaking she can count as she points to the pieces.
She even has a two on her cup :-)

chocolat lover said...

the cup has pictures on there upto the number 5 ;o)

I think all of the counting songs that we sing help too ;o)