Tuesday, 29 October 2013

expressing what she likes

Now that Evie is talking more and is more in control of her arm movements she is able to tell me what songs she likes ;o)

Yesterday she was running her hand up her arm for Hickory Dickory Dock I even elongate the wee for when the clock strikes three as Evie loves being tickled ;o)

Evie also likes following me about so recently I have been getting her to carry my fruit packets into the lounge and then James will open it for her and she can start eating it ;o)

Yesterday James wanted a half finished bottle of drink (I had gone out to make a cup of earl grey tea and get some grapes) so as Evie had followed me out I gave her the bottle to take back to James and then a minute later she was back with the empty bottle and by then I had washed the grapes so Evie carried them back in also ;o).


Eileen H said...

Do you play this little piggy went to market and went weeweewee all the way home, that was one of my favourites.

Evie is going to be a great little helper. Get her a duster at the ready :-)

chocolat lover said...

we do this little piggy sometimes ;o)

I will have it at the ready for sure ;o)