Sunday, 4 October 2015

parent tour #1

On Friday we did our first parent tour...

We were in a group of 6 sets of parents.

We were shown the three reception classes - normally they only have two classes but because of a "bumper" three years they are having an extra class (and kiddie intake) for three years running.

The headteacher seemed really nice and the kids were quite happy answering her questions, and telling us what they were doing in class.

The reception class playground was nice too - it even had astroturf ;o)

I finally managed to do a photo of Evie in her Tap Dancing clobber ;o)

Evie loving her tap dancing stuff ;o)


Eileen H said...

Aww Evie looks very cute in her outfit.

chocolat lover said...

she is really enjoying her classes ;o)