Friday, 26 August 2016

why didnt I think of this 2 years ago?

When we go into town Evies choice of drink is always hot chocolate with whipped cream on top, she always eats the whipped cream and sometimes drinks the drink.

Yesterday we were in town and Evie wanted her usual drink so I got her a mocha babyccino with whipped cream (that way I only have to pay for the cream).

So Evie ate the cream and had her lunch, I went for an iced skinny latte (as it was such a warm day).

So after we had finished I asked Evie if she wanted anymore of her drink (and she said "no thank you") so I poured it into my cup and she immediately started drinking it :)

So on our way home we kept on stopping so she could have another sip :)

drinking her drink her way

So next time we are in town (tomorrow) I will make sure (depending on what Im having) that I also ask for a plastic cup with a lid :)


Eileen H said...

My two always had cups with lids but not with straws, their cups had spouts, saved having big spillages.
Perhaps you could buy Evie her own plastic beaker with lid and straw, I'm sure I've seen them on sale somewhere.

chocolat lover said...

we tend to give Evie sports water bottles...

...but thats a good idea getting a reuseable cup with a lid and straw