Thursday, 22 September 2016

eat lunch a little quicker please

Yesterday we went to Sainsburys for our mid week top up shop.

I was looking around the clothes (as they have 25% off at the moment) and James and Evie found me and James said that they saw one of Evies classmates outside :) He couldnt remember which one and Evie cant remember her name either.

So James asked her if Evie ate all of her lunch (Evie said she had) the girl then said that Evie was the only one left in the lunch hall.

Evie actually got dressed quickly this morning (so no shouting from me :)).

So I asked her if she could try eating her lunch a bit quicker and she said no she is going to eat super slow!

I told her that the other children then get to play after they have eaten their lunch, so I asked her if she enjoyed eating on her own and she said that she prefers eating with her friends.

She told me that she liked her roast turkey lunch so that was good :)

I will ask her teacher about it today...


Eileen H said...

Trust other kiddies to snitch LOL

I'm sure the dinner ladies will gee her up if she's the last one out. Yep, missing out on her playtime, she'll soon learn :)

chocolat lover said...

you are right about her not wanting to miss out on playtime :)