Sunday, 5 November 2017

bacon, sausage & butterfly treats

As last week the teachers had exam things to do, today was the first day of James having to take Evie to tap dancing on his own...

...mind you I did sort out all of the bits that she would need before I left :)

Work went well again today and I remembered most of what I had to do so that was good :) Next week I will be doing it on my own.

I met up with James and Evie once I had finished work and I had a bacon roll for my lunch :)

After we had finished Evie wanted to look in Paperchase at the Christmas Tree decorations, but I told her that they also sold them in John Lewis so we looked in there.

I got a cute sausage dog decoration and Evie got a butterfly one, James didnt want one.

As I am able to have the Sunday after Evies birthday off I spent today writing out the invitations for her birthday party :)


Jules said...

I expect Evie's getting excited now. X

Eileen H said...

Not long now until Evie's birthday and then Christmas, you seem to be well organised. It's an exciting time :)