Sunday, 16 September 2018

Mrs B still off sick

On Thursday we got a letter about the schools therapy referral and attached is a form to be completed by the school and ourselves ... (within 10 days of the date of the letter)

When I went to pick Evie up (the teaching assistant was on the door letting the kids out) and  I checked in her bag to see if there was any update on Mrs B coming back, she has now been signed off until the October half term!

So I spoke to Mr J and he said that the letter would be addressed to Mrs B, so if I can bring in the letter and then he can (along with Miss B (who wanted the initial referral)) can complete the form and we will complete a copy too.

Hopefully they will come to the conclusion that there is nothing physically wrong with her once and for all :)


Eileen H said...

I do hope this can be put to bed soon to set your mind at rest.

chocolat lover said...

I know at the end of the day they are covering their own backs and that is fair enough, and if there was something wrong with Evie it would be good that they pick up on it.

It will be good though once it is sorted out and hopefully the teachers wont keep on going on about it :)

Jules said...

Try not to worry too much. Evie is clearly a happy and healthy little girl. X

chocolat lover said...

thanks Jules thats all I can wish for really... :)