Friday, 2 November 2018


My appointment yesterday was for between 9 am and 1 pm...

...I was just locking the door yesterday morning about to take Evie to school when an unmarked van pulled up and a british gas man called out our house number, and I said that I was just about to take my daughter to school.  He asked what time I would be back and I said 9 am, he then said that he would go and do his next job if he could.

I rushed back from taking Evie to school and waited and waited and waited.

By 12 pm it dawned on me that he wasnt going to come back (but as the time slot was until 1 pm I gave him the benefit of the doubt).

At 1 pm I called British Gas and explained the situation, the earliest appointment they could offer me was Monday (which would mean then almost 2 weeks with no hot water or heating), I was mad!

The upshot is I have found someone who is coming out today, the lady I spoke to thought I wanted a boiler fitted so hopefully she understood that its to be repaired, I did it explain it to her.

We still have the British Gas appointment on Monday if this one goes wrong too.

Hopefully we will have heating tonight...

On the plus side James has his lunch today with Evie (she is quite excited about showing Daddy what to do) :)


Eileen H said...

I don't blame you for being annoyed. Considering you pay for the British Gas Homecare that is terrible customer service. If I were you I'd be writing a letter of complaint.
I hope all goes well for you today and you have heat and hot water by tonight.
I'm sure James will enjoy his school dinner with Evie :)

chocolat lover said...

they had a great lunch :)

and we have heating and hot water :)