Thursday, 29 November 2018

Monday afternoon instead

Yesterday helping in class was more gluing and sticking :)

Then at breaktime Mr J came in and said that next week he would like me to come in on Monday afternoon instead...

...the kids will be sewing Christmas stockings and they want an adult in to help with every table, with things like threading the needles.

Im useless at sewing so I just hope that the needles have huge holes :)

I was talking with the teaching assistant and said that Monday afternoon sounded fun and she said that you need a lot of patience that afternoon :)


Eileen H said...

Good luck with threading needles :)
Maybe they'll be the big fat blunt ones, I seem to remember they're called bodkins for threading cord. I used to have a little metal hoop thing to help thread a needle, although I even struggled with that having poor eyesight. I just don't bother sewing anymore :)

Jules said...

You clearly enjoy working in the school. Would you consider becoming a teaching assistant? X

chocolat lover said...

Eileen - hopefully that is what they will use, and hopefully I wont embarrass Evie by not being able to thread the needle! :)

Jules - I would love to do a job like that :) but I couldnt even get a job as a dinner lady lol :)