Thursday, 22 November 2018

more gluing and sticking

Yesterday I got into Evies class to find more stuff to stick into their books :)

It was their homework (both maths and spellings), the maths is prices of items and how much 2 different items cost... Evie is in the bottom set, her items are single figures, the middle set has double figures and the top set has triple figures (with even 3 lots of 3 items), I think the top sets ones will be hard for them!

I saw the washing line that I pegged the odd socks onto hanging up which made me smile :)

On Tuesday we got a letter saying that Evie has been picked to take part in a competition!  As Evie had PE yesterday I asked the PE teacher why Evie was picked (as she has the same non athletic abilities as me and James) and the teacher said that its a fun competition for kids that wouldnt normally be picked for competitions :)

James did a search and its a way for kids to try different activities (one of them is archery!) Im hoping its the darts with suckers on :)

We can go and watch too so that is fun :)

Im getting my flu jab done today and Evie is having her nasal spray done tomorrow :)


Jules said...

I like the idea of the competition and I'd be hoping for the same regarding the archery arrows. 😃

Eileen H said...

I was hopeless at sports at school, always the last to be picked for any team, nobody wanted me. Archery sounds great, definitely with you on the arrows needing suckers though :)

chocolat lover said...

it sounds like it will be fun :)

With all the health and safety nowadays they are bound to have suckers on :)