Sunday, 17 January 2010

torture by chocolate

On Friday one of my bosses came in saying he had a present for me... I asked if it was a nice present or a horrible present and he said I would definitely like it, pulling out a bag full of Celebration chocolates...

Telling me that some were for me and the others would go out for our Brokers to eat!

I was ok when he bought in the jelly sweets last year as I can "take em or leave em" but chocolates are a completely different matter!

So I have hidden them in a drawer, as if they are in my eyeline then I am more likely to start eating them. I just hope I dont start feeling stressed about anything as I just know that I will start on them, and once that happens then I WILL FINISH THE LOT. My willpower just isnt that good...

Earlier on in the week I was really pleased with myself because I picked up a bag if mini eggs while in the queue in Sainsburys, but put them down when I got to the front of the queue, as I had decided that I really didnt need them. I got back to work and then decided I did need that chocolate fix after all (sometimes only chocolate will do) and ended up eating the emergency bar of Wispa Gold I had in my drawer!

Dont worry I have another emergency bar in my drawer, it was the free Cadburys Flake bar I got a few weeks ago at Liverpool Street Station ;o).


Kelly said...

torture by chocolate. i would take that over any other torture known to man, I would.

i just hate it when that happens, I talk myself out of something only to get home and be driven insane by the constant wishing that I had bought it! At least you had an emergency stash :)

Anonymous said...

your will probably stronger than you think if you are able to keep emergency bars.

i am the same with sweet things. if they are within reach i am in trouble.

Al said...

I like that not only do you keep emergency bars of chocolate but that you also have an emergency bar for when the first one has been consumed. Now that is planning!

I'm much the same with things like that though. If you put a box of Celebrations or something on a table, unopened, I would be fine and wouldn't think about them. Open them, however, and I will be drawn to them, whether I actually want one or not!

chocolat lover said...

Kelly chocolate is preferble I must admit ;o)

Thanks Joe Ive never thought of it like that ;o)

Al I like to be prepared...