Monday, 26 July 2010

ones gorn onto flickr

I was flicking through my copy of Metro this morning (getting to the horoscopes) and saw that the Royal Family now have their own flickr account!

They wont let us mere commoners comment on the photos which I guess is a good thing... I dont think that the Tower of London would be nearly big enough for all the people making traitorous comments ;o) 


Al said...

Yes, I can just imagine some of the comments that would end up on there if you were able to leave them.

I wonder if we, as tax payers, paid for the pro account subscription?

Kelly said...

too funny, Al, you know y'all do!

chocolat lover said...

Al - I think we probably did...

...I was going to try and work out what we have each paid but cant be bothered ;o)

thanks Kelly ;o)