Thursday, 25 August 2011

the doors were locked

I walked upto the building where I work this morning and there was a lady stood outside (my first thought was I hope she doesnt want me to let her in).

I got my fob out and she said that they werent working, so I tried my one and sure enough it wouldnt let me in *sigh*.

So I walked around to Pret a Manger (first making sure that they had a restroom) before ordering myself a decaf coffee.  I got my coffee and took it upstairs and made sure I sat by the toilet.

I eventually finished my coffee and made use of their facilities and by this time I knew that the building management team would be there.

I then walked back around to my building and was soon hit with the realisation that we still couldnt get in by the crowd of people stood outside.

Not wishing to stand up I found somewhere to sit down...

...I would have put my MP3 player on to occupy myself but there was a burglar alarm going off and it was far too windy to be able to read Metro too, so I just sat there people watching.

The building manager then turned up with a key but she couldnt get it to work in the lock she then went around to a side door and she couldnt get that one opened either, she then said that a security person were on their way.

We waited some more...

The office manager lady then turned up with a security person (a youngish bloke with a rucksack) and they again tried the main front door and again it wouldnt open...

...they then darted off to the side and about three or four minutes later the front doors were opened from the inside, so we all rushed in.

By this time I was again in need of the toilet so I ummed and ahhed about whether to chance using the elevator, as the doors opened my mind was made up and I darted in (thank goodness that the floor that I wanted was the first one it was going to stop at ;o)).


Al said...

Why do things like this never happen where I work?

The closest I get is when the shutter for the kiosk jumps off the runners and has to be forced back on again before it will open. That's not easy to do when there's just me, myself and I to do it!

chocolat lover said...

Life isnt fair sometimes ;o)

Anonymous said...

That is very strange that none of the doors would open. I find I can't concentrate on my audio books if something is going on.

chocolat lover said...

apparently when they were locking up on Wednesday night something want set properly!