Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Was it worth potentially missing the train for

I got to the train station last night and out of the corner of my eye I saw someone handing out goodies...

I was umming and ahhing as to if it was worth missing the 16.14 for (as it is I catch it by the skin of my teeth) then I though I can always get the 16.17...

so I went and saw what was being given out... was a Friij Raspberry Doughnut Milkshake ;o)

As it happened I managed to catch the earlier train and the bloke sitting next to me had a milkshake too ;o)

It tasted ok but I dont think that I would shell out any hard cash for it...


Al said...

Things always taste better when they are free, so if it was merely OK then it's definitely not worth paying for!

chocolat lover said...

my thinking exactly...

Eileen H said...

With trains as frequent as that I would have gone for the freebie too :)

chocolat lover said...

Eileen - I am lucky to live in a town with a really good train service.

Kelly said...

A raspberry donut milkshake! I think I would take my chances missing the train, too. Free samples are nice...and now you know not to spend your money! Seems like a win-win situation.

chocolat lover said...

Kelly - I never thought of it that way ;o)

The Captain said...

It sounds absolutely rank, but for free I'd have gone for it.