Wednesday, 7 November 2012

more meerkat for Christmasses

Ever since the first Compare the Meerkat adverts came out in 2009 I have been hooked on waiting for Aleksandr and Sergeis next adventures ;o)

A couple of years ago I bought Aleksandrs autobiography A Simples Life hee hee I was even reading it with his Russian accent ;o)

Last weekend I had an e-mail from Amazon advising that a box set of Meerkat Tales is out ;o) so I ordered them ;o)

I had an e-mail this morning saying that they have been dispatched so Fifty Shades is going to have to wait ;o)


Eileen H said...

I haven't read A Simples Life, but Martyn is slowly collecting the meerkat toys. He has three of the six now. We Compare the Meerkat when we change our house insurance.

I have read the Fifty Shades trilogy and then I sold them on Ebay getting a good price, so was very happy.

I hope you don't fall into the Russian accent when your speaking or Evie may pick up on it :-)

chocolat lover said...

I have been told that all of my accents sound the same anyway ;o)

Aleksandr certainly is an enterprising Meerkat ;o)

Good on getting some dosh back on the trilogy ;o)